We are Opening on June 28!

Greetings all,

This is it; we are finally returning to meeting as a church in person!

While this is exciting, unfortunately this does not mean everything is back to normal. In order to preserve our witness to our community and our government, we will be doing everything we can to abide by the regulations and suggestions of Alberta Health Services (see here for more details). Among other things this means:

·         Not attending if you show the most common symptoms of COVID-19 (cough, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose, or sore throat).

·         Not attending if you have had contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days or have travelled internationally.

·         Listening to ushers and the directions of the pastor for seating and dismissal

·         Wearing a mask – this is not a requirement, but a strong recommendation. Masks will be available at the church

·         Using hand sanitizer – this will be available for use in the foyer

·         Humming instead of singing

·         Practicing social distancing

o   Staggered entry – families must enter separately from one another

o   No loitering in the foyer

o   Keeping a minimum of 2 meters / 6 feet between families sharing a pew. Families with children will likely need a pew to themselves

o   Visiting must be done outside while maintaining social distancing – there will be no coffee time in the building

o   Unfortunately, the nursery will not be open for children, nor will children be allowed downstairs; they must stay with their parents for the duration of the service

o   Sadly, no hugging or handshaking is allowed

If you have prayer requests, please call me or email them to me in advance; we cannot pass around the microphone as usual.

I know all these rules put a damper on things. They are bothersome and annoying. Yet I think it is worthwhile to jump through these hoops for the time being, taking steps towards the time we will be able to meet again without such restrictions. If you cannot make it, we will still be posting sermons online and we will continue to make an effort to contact everyone in the church—especially our shut ins.

I’m looking forward to seeing you all again! May God bless you and keep you in the meantime.

Pastor Brad

Bradley Broadhead